
Too Much Stuff

The more I see the stuff we've collected and the stress we put ourselves in to store, clean, pack and move all of it, the more I consider downsizing our belongings and try to focus on things that have more of a purpose for us.

I have been going to Tiny House Blog for over a year now and though I don't think a house as small as what they typically highlight would do well for us and our planned family, it does inspire me to think smaller.  One aspect that small home owners typically say is that a small home causes you to be cleaner and more organized.  You have to be when every inch counts.  They also say that because it's smaller inside, they tend to do more outdoors being active and spending time with friends, family, and the community.  Another benefit is cost.  A small house is cheaper to build or you can spend more on quality because of the smaller amount of materials needed.  It costs less to heat and cool due to smaller total space.  These benefits really attract me and make me look hard at a smaller life style.

On the flip side, we have need of a home with some space.  We are considering adopting one or two children putting our family in the six or seven person household.  It would be hard to have that many people in a tiny house.  We would have to have space for each person's things such as clothes, dishes and cups, beds, toothbrushes, you get my point.  I am a tool monger and love to do things myself.  This includes fixing things around the house and also making my own things.  So I would like to have a workshop space.  My wife requires a small office space.  These are just a few things we would like to have in our home.

Things we have and love but could downsize (I suppose) would be our books (we have several bookshelves full), our movies/shows (a lot of DVDs and VHS), music (CDs and tapes), toys and nicknacks.  We like to cook and have several kitchen related items that aren't used regularly.  We have a variety of things in storage that we don't but once a year (such as clothes) or we have for emergency situations.  (You have to plan for weather/disaster conditions here in south Florida).  We enjoy all of this stuff and they have meaning for us but under extreme circumstances they could be downsized.  We aren't hoarders but we do like to have certain things.

My goal for our future home is not to go large like what has become popular, but to have a well designed home.  Everything organized and easy to find.  Every space being used regularly and potentially for multiple purposes.  The space being easy to clean.  I know that as a larger family, we will need a space for group activities but that might be the only large room in the house.  We will have to work on our ideas together and keep an eye out for what we like.  It will be a while before we can get our dream house anyways.

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