

A centurion was an officer in the Roman army.  He led his legion into battle rather than ordering his troops from behind.  They led and inspired by example.

In the Bible, an unnamed centurion demonstrated remarkable faith in Jesus' ability to heal the centurion's servant (Matthew 8:5-10).  Cornelius, another centurion in the Bible, is known as an "upright and God fearing man".

In the tv show Doctor Who (spoilers if you haven't watched it), there is the character Rory Williams. He is changed so that he does not age. They reveal this at a point when he is in the Roman military as a centurion. He subsequently demonstrates great bravery and devotion for his wife and daughter.

I would like to use these as inspiration to be a better man, father and Christian. The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my journey to be a better man.

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