

I'm out of shape. According to the internet, my weight, in relation to my height, is acceptable. The problem is that I've always been lean.

Now I've got a spare tire and it's spreading. I've noticed my feet and ankles swell more. I haven't had great lung capacity but it seems like I get winded more easily now.

On the other side of the coin, my arms, back and shoulders are stronger. Carrying kids and doing things one handed has bulked up those areas more than they were. If it wasn't for my gut, I would probably have an ideal shape.

My road to this point started when I began driving more. Prior to that, we biked everywhere because we didn't own a car. The need arose to buy a car and what went from biking everywhere to the occasional ride and then to a pair of bikes in the garage with dust on them.

Then we had kids. I slowed down more as I took on more of the parental duties. I didn't workout because either there didn't seem to be any time or I was out of energy after struggling with the kids or from doing chores.

The centurion was a soldier. He had to be in good shape. As a father, I owe it to my family to be in good shape so that I am better able to take care of them and not have to rely on them taking care of me. As a Christian, I have to take care of my body for it is a temple of God.

I do not want to endeavor to be a body builder. I would rather be the equivalent to a soldier with great stamina, strength, and flexibility. My primary goal is to lose the flab while building enough muscle to be strong.  I know that I've probably have to spend more time doing aerobic type activities with smaller weights to burn more calories.  I would like to try and figure out a way to do all of this in a real world environment.  What I mean is that I would rather do my chores and lose weight rather than go to a gym that costs money.  Save money and get things done.  Two birds with one stone.

I'll record my stats and exercises to show if it's working or not then decide on a possible change of course later on.  I know this isn't an overnight thing.

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