
Doctor Visit

You should have a check up from your doctor at least once a year especially when your young or as you age. I've never been one to hold by those guidelines. I go to the eye doctor as needed, I haven't been to a dentist for far to long (but will go soon) and have only seen a regular doctor twice since childhood (both being in the last few years).

It isn't that I don't have insurance. Through most of my teens and up to my mid thirties, my feeling was that I seldom got sick, was relative healthy and didn't want to spend any money. There has been a time or two where I might have had a need to go to the emergency room. I figured let the people that need to go, I wouldn't add to the waiting lines.

A few years ago, my wife changed my mind. First, we were now parents and our children depend on us to be healthy to take care of them. (You know how hard it is to take care of several children when your sick?)  Second, we have been paying, thru work, for insurance for years and never took advantage of it. Third, we are getting older and our bodies are changing and we want to know if something starts to go wrong before it gets out of hand.

So this week, I went for my second check up in my adult life. Good timing, too! I got a bug that really hit me last weekend. I chalked it up to a potential flu since I had taken my youngest to her pediatrician a day before I got sick and there was a flu epidemic going strong up north. The only thing was this lingering flemy cough. He checked me out, asked some questions, and proclaimed that I had gotten a case of bronchitis. Gave me a prescription for that.

Checked the rest of me out (including the "drop your pants, turn your head and cough" test). I knew I was gaining weight and when I saw that I had gotten above 200lbs. He said I was healthy and gave me the ok on working out.  So from here on, I'll be working out more frequently and tracking my progress.  I've signed up on Fitocracy which will help me track my progress and encourage me to work out.  If you want to check on me, my user name is Centurionfather.

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