
Wife's Rules #2 and #3

These two rules are similar so I put them up together.  I don't like doing laundry and that coupled with having to deal with a 10 m/o that doesn't want to be put down leads to me asking wife to at least fold and put away laundry.  I've agreed to run the loads through so they can be ready and try to sort, fold and put away as I can.

2. Wash at least one load of clothes a day.  This is more to make sure that we don't have a huge pile of laundry to do on one day.  There is also a shortage of wearable clothes for work/school/home to wear for an entire week, so frequent washing helps provide choices.

3. Make sure the washer is empty of wet clothes at the end of the day.  Wet clothes left in the washer can develop smell or cause the washer to develop smell.  It also makes finding clothes for the next day harder.

When a woman is frantic for a specific article of clothing, you do not want to let her know that it's dirty and needs to be washed (especially if she believes your the one responsible for washing the clothes in the first place).  Its just as bad as finding the clothing smelly because of sitting in the washer.  Your goal as the homemaker is to have clothing ready when needed (thereby reducing stress).

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