
Wife's Rules #6 - Nighttime Chores Part 2

Having a pet means you have responsibilities.  Sometimes inconvenient because going out in the weather before bed is not high on my list but it is still necessary.

6. Walk the dog.  It's logical.  I don't want to go to bed without using the restroom.  I shouldn't expect the dog to hold it all night if he doesn't get a chance to empty out before bed.  Usually combined with taking the trash out (just to get two things done at once).

Our dog's name is Chopper and he is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.  I only mention this because I am proud of him.  I have to admit there has been a time that I forgot to take him out and he still held it over night.  Since the kids were born, he has gotten less attention but he still seems happy when I wash him or take him out.  Maybe because those are times that I am spending time with him.  It's nice to see his tail waging.  Makes me feel warm inside.

To be continued…

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