
Wife's Rules #5 - Nighttime Chores

Due to a variety of reasons, I have a series of chores that I have to do in the evening with few exceptions.  Some are not rules imposed by wife but are things that seem to fall into chores that I'm supposed to do instead of someone else.

5. Fill the water pitcher every evening.  For years, we made coffee in a french press.  This means pouring boiling into the coffee grinds in the french press.  We prefer filtered water versus our local tap.  We use a water pitcher that has it's own filter.  It takes a little while to filter enough water to make a full pitcher.  This means to have water to boil in the morning, we need to have filtered water in advance.  We have since upgraded(?) to a drip coffee maker with a timer (which we don't use much) but we still need the water prefiltered due to usually have so many things to do already on a typical morning.  To cut down on bottled water we use reusable bottles and refill them.  Wife prefers to have water next to her bed at night and to take water with her to work, both requiring water filtered the previous evening.

I already made mention of the overnight clothes in the washer which is another nighttime chore.  I will usually do the dishes in the evening because it can be hard to hold a 10 m/o while doing dishes.  Add to this the nightly request for a backrub (which can be inconvenient but I enjoy doing) and having to put the kids to bed earlier in the evening.

I'm quite busy but I still try to find time to spend adult time with my wife watching t.v., reading, or talking about our day.  Yes I go to bed later than everyone else and get up as early or earlier than everybody else but things need to get done.

To be continued...

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