

Last Saturday, my son and I got a great opportunity.  We left the girls at home with mom and took some stuff that we weren't going to move with us to our church run thrift store.  While there, the local fire department brought a firetruck and ambulance to do a presentation for the customers.  It was scheduled, we just happened to be there at the right time!

The lieutenant firefighter giving the presentation asked Sam if he could drive.  Without missing a beat he said "Yeah!" so he was allowed to sit in the drivers seat of the firetruck!

After that, he started to get distracted as the presentation went along.  It was hot and bright out.  It was also getting closer to lunchtime.  As part of the demo, a lady firefighter suited up in her gear.  This got Sam's attention.  He was nervous but interested in meeting a person in all this gear.

She asked him his name.  He said his name and she replied, "My name's Sam, too!" (I asked the lieutenant why she was the one that suited up and without missing a beat he said she was lowest on the totem pole!)

Afterwards, we got to see some of the tools firefighters use and got to look at and in an ambulance.  It was a great experience.  I have been intending to take the kids to a fire station.  I read that kids will run away from firefighters trying to rescue them from a fire because they are scared of the uniforms.  My idea was to take them so they can see them wearing the outfits so as to not be scared during a fire.  Before leaving, I did ask about giving that chance to my other kids and the lieutenant said to bring by the station any time.  As long as they are there, they would take the time to talk with the kids and show them around.

I have respected these unsung heroes for a long time.  Having the chance to meet our local crew was something that I won't forget.  Hopefully my son will remember them also!

My sincere thanks goes out to the firefighters at the North Lauderdale Fire Station 34 for the time they took with my son!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, I miss that little guy. Love these photos so much!!
