
Back Pain

He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.  Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men. - Psalm 107:20,21

There have been several times in my life where I feel a touch of God was involved.  Maybe not notable enough to consider miracles like raising the dead. More like events that I feel need to be praised and publicly announced because I think God helped in some small way.

The first, and most recent, that I'd like to give praise to God for is my back pain.  Several weekends ago, on a Saturday night, I pulled a muscle in my back while taking a shower.  I managed to finish the shower, get out and get dressed but every move seemed to tweak my lower back.  Even laying down hurt.  My wife gave me Sunday off from the kids and chores (thank you, love) during which I laid in bed the majority of the day.  By Monday, I could walk and do things but everything still caused my back to hurt, albeit less than Saturday night.  Over the next two weeks, I would have good days where it only felt sore and bad days where it would really bother me.

This past Sunday, after I shifted in the seat several times during the sermon at church, my wife encouraged me to talk to an elder after the service and ask for prayer.  I made my way to an elder and told him what was going on and asked for healing for my back.  The elder called another over, anointed me with oil.  Both of them laid hands on my shoulders and prayed for me.

My back pain was virtually gone the next morning (a little soreness at the beginning of the day).  You might say that after two weeks, my back finally got the rest it needed or something similar.  I attribute this as a small healing on His part and I thank and praise Him for it.

Let me explain so that you understand why this means so much to me.  I grew up during a time where preachers were on t.v. and claiming to do fantastic miracles like helping lame people walk.  Then, later, they were also found cheating on wives, squandering money, or any number of other dishonorable acts.  I also spent most of my life with a more scientific/analytical mind, e.g. I have to see it for myself to believe it.  So, while I do believe in God's ability to heal, I am wary of what people may claim as miracles in their lives.  Now, when I see or experience an extraordinary act, I credit God for having, if not a hand, at least a finger in it.

Thank you, Lord, for this act of kindness to me.

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