

Our pastor commented once in a message in regards to people arriving late to church. His statement said that if you make being at church a priority, you would make extra effort to get there on time. This might mean leaving earlier, getting up earlier, planning the night before or any number of other things.

My wife is facing this type of situation with going to work. She takes my daughter to preschool, to which she has to be there by 9:00 am. She has a specific set of things that she has to do in the morning that she can't do before. If she gets up at 6 or 6:30 am she can easily get them done. The problem lies with two events that may happen and could cause her to have to rush. She may stay up late the night before watching TV, blogging, or working on stuff for her work or association she's a member of. She feels she has to get her sleep so she'll stay in bed until the kids get up at 7:00 which is the limit. The second problem will come about when she does make it to bed early but plan too much in the morning. For a few weeks, she tried to have prayer time and exercise time before she got ready for work. This combo often went well over on the time allotted. The result of either infraction causes her to stress about getting both herself and our daughter ready for school.

 I try to help out since I don't usually have much need to get ready first thing. My only hindrances are taking care of the other two kids and pets. Everyone either needs to eat or potty/have a diaper change and can take a lot of time in the morning.  Frequently, comments will be launched mentioning how I don't help much in the morning due to my forgetfulness or that I just don't seem to care.  It seems that I will have to make sure to get up at least 30 minutes earlier just to get my things done before the others wake up.  Breakfast will have to be planned on a prior date so that I can get up and prepare breakfast for everyone.

I haven't been the best at prepping in the past.  I hope I can get this under control before our oldest gets to kindergarten.  Our life would be so much easier.

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