

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. - Gen. 2:18 KJV

God put Adam in the garden in Eden to take care of it.  In His wisdom, He knew that it wasn't good that Adam was alone.  The Bible doesn't describe this person as a companion but instead as a help meet. Help meet is defined as "a suitable helper".  A synonym for helper is assistant which is defined as a person "holding an auxiliary position; subordinate."  For the purpose of this blog, a helper would be your lieutenant or second in command.

In my situation, I have struggled with how to be leader to my family.  I sometimes feel that I am more of a helper for my wife rather than the leader with her helping me.  I have to honestly ask myself, do I do everything I can, as a leader, and then ask her to help or do I follow her lead and wait for her to ask me to do something?  I ask this because the last several days, I have been busy with the kids and exhausted at the end of the day.  Meanwhile, my wife will wash a load of dishes and a load (or more) of clothes in the morning/evening.  These have been on my chore list for a while now.  I just haven't been getting them done regularly as of late.  It may not be true but I get the feeling that she's doing this because of frustration that I hadn't done it before.  Top this with the aggravation she occasionally gets when she's running late for work in the morning. I know the chore issue is just a matter of time management and organization, the same with getting to work on time.

I find that as time slowly moves on, my children are getting slower to obey me and I have to raise my voice more often just to get them to focus on me.  My wife is not the type to keep things from me but she is more frequently doing things without consulting me and just telling me after the fact that she did them.  I just question how do I go from a housekeeper/manager of the house to a leadership role as a husband and father yet still get these things done?  What choices am I faced with that as a leader, I should be deciding?  How do I get my family to respect me as a leader? 

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