
Wife's Rules #8

Our kitchen sink has two bowls, one large and one small, with a garbage disposal in the smaller.  The faucet is positioned practically inline with the smaller bowl, so this one gets used more often.  Because of this, we have rule...

8:  Do not leave anything in the smaller bowl of the sink.  This is primarily due to our water pitcher.  We have one of the ones you fill and it filters the water.  It can get heavy while filling so my wife prefers to rest it on the bottom of the sink bowl.  Having things in the sink prevents this process from working out.  I don't prefer things in the sink because of the disposal.  If food meant for the disposal goes in the sink, I would rather it go down immediately rather than have to wait to clear out the dishes first.

This is another rule where it makes perfect sense but isn't always followed.

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